6-Week Program

it’s time you start making yourself a priority?


Forming good habits around health gives US energy, builds OUR confidence and makes us so much more creative and fun to around.

Uncover what lifestyle habits are sabotaging you so you can start getting healthy and vibrant again and have more energy to do the things you love. Create “routine” non-negotiable time where you start to put yourself first. Discover how to make healthy choices a lifestyle.

In this customized VIP one-on-one program, you will receive 6 Weekly One-hour coaching sessions, curated resources, and a variety of exercises to keep you on track and accountable outside of sessions, and email support between calls.  These sessions are customized because what you need to work on is completely different to someone else.

Over the next 6- weeks we will work on the following:

  • Sessions 1-2 | Let’s build intuition and start to recognize the areas that you’d like to change

  • Sessions 3 | We will recognize self-sabotage and how to move past it

  • Sessions 4-5 | These will be the techniques for managing stress and stepping into your personal powers

  • Session 6 | This is all about your NEW baseline. By now you’ve made a lot of changes and you’re looking at the world from a new vantage point - how do you continue with the work


30 Minute Consultation


Group Sessions